1. How to troubleshoot the Gateway collector ?

Run the following command in the VM/host to check the advanced installation options:

sudo opsramp-collector-start install --help

2. How do I add proxy settings to a Node?

If you are using proxy server for gateway communication, then use the below settings:

Step-1: Add the proxy settings to /etc/environments.

HTTP_PROXY= <http://<IPaddress>:<port>

Note: The above configuration is default K3s configuration and might change based on the network.

Step-2: Login again with the same user for the proxy settings to function properly.

Step-3: Install the k3s.

Step-4: The proxy settings listed above will also be added to /etc/system/systemd/k3s.service.env.

3. How do I change proxy settings at the node level after installing k3s?

Follow these steps to change proxy settings at the node level after installing k3s:

Step-1: Edit the proxy settings in /etc/system/systemd/k3s.service.env file.

Step-2: Use the following command to restart the k3s service:

sudo systemctl restart k3s

4. Gateway registration help

Run the following command for gateway registration help:

sudo opsramp-collector-start install [flags]

Additional flags for gateway registration

ShortLongData typeDescription
-c--config stringstringInitial discovery configuration
-S--enable-squidstringEnable squid proxy service (enable/disable) (default "disable")
-e--environmentstringenvironment to install opsramp gateway (k8s/docker) (default "k8s")
-V--helmchart-versionstringHelm chart version to deploy in k8s environment
-I--imageChannelstringPulls images from specified channel (stable/pre-release) (default "stable")
-k--keystringGateway unique authentication token
-n--namespacestringk3s namespace (default "default")
-i--proxy-ipstringProxy server ipaddress
-P--proxy-passwordstringProxy server password
-p--proxy-portstringProxy server port
-r--proxy-protocolstringProxy server communication protocol (default "http")
-U--proxy-usernamestringProxy server username
-R--repositorystringPull helm charts and images from custom repository (default "us-docker.pkg.dev")
-t--thirdPartyAppstringEnable or Disable thirdpartyapp integration (default "disable")
-u--urlstringOpsramp url
-v--vprobe-versionstringvprobe version to deploy in docker environment (default "13.0.0")
-h--helphelp for install