Resources can be logically organized according to where they are physically located using the Sites functionality.

For example, all the resources in your corporate office can be grouped based on the location of your office.

Before you start, discover all the resources for your location.

To navigate to the Sites page:

  1. Log in to OpsRamp.

  2. Go to Infrastructure > Sites from the top menu.

You can do the following from the Sites page:

  • Create a site
  • View site details
  • Edit a site
  • Delete a site
  • View logs
  • Schedule maintenance periods

Create sites

Prerequisite: You must have Manage Device permission to create a site.

Site creation includes providing details about a location and adding resources belonging to that location. One device cannot be added in two locations.

Follow these steps to create a site:

  1. Go to Infrastructure > Site from the top menu.

  2. From the left pane, click the Settings icon and then click Add. The New Site page is displayed.

  3. Give a site name typically based on the location of the resources.

  4. Provide details about the site in the Description box.

  5. Enter the address, city, state, country, zip of the location.

  6. Select the primary contact person from the drop-down list.

  7. Enter the phone number.

  8. (Optional) Select the checkbox of the option Add members automatically using filter criteria to add the resources to the site location through the filter criteria.

  9. Add resources to the site using the following filter criteria options:

    1. Click Any or All to match any one or all of the defined conditions for filtering.
    2. Select the options for the following filter criteria fields:
      • Resource Type: Lists all the supported resource types. Select a resource type from the list.
      • Attribute Name: Lists the attributes for the type of resource selected. Attributes vary according to the resource type chosen.
      • Logic condition: Logical match criterion to enhance search results. Options: Contains, Not Contains, Equals, Not Equals, Starts With, Ends With, and regex.
      • Value: Value corresponding to the attribute name and logic condition.
    3. Click +Add to include more filter criteria.
    4. Click Show Matching Members to see a list of all the devices matching the criteria.

  10. Add resources using query language specifying your requirements, in the Add Using Query section. To enter a query: Type “$” followed by a resource attribute. Once you type “$” the resource attributes are auto-populated.
    Examples of resource attributes: IP Address, DNS Name, Host Name, and so on.
    Select the attribute followed by a space and key operator value.
    Examples of key operator value: “<”, “>”, “=”, “IS”, “contains”, “IS NOT NULL”, “IN”, and so on.
    Give a space after you select/enter the key operator value and enter the Value enclosed in double quotes. You can give multiple queries. Use AND or OR condition between the queries, as needed.
    A green tick after entering a query indicates that the query is valid. A forbidden icon indicates that the query is incomplete or the format is incorrect.
    Click the search icon. The number of resources that match the query is displayed. Click Show Matching Results. Resource list is displayed with Name, IP Address, and Resource Type details.
    Note: When using REGEX and REGEX NOT:

    • avoid using square brackets with \d or \s

      For example:

      • $name REGEX "a[\s+].*"
        This expression can be written as $name REGEX "a\s+.*"

      • $name REGEX "a[\d+].*"
        This expression can be written as $name REGEX "a\d+.*"

    • avoid using ^ and $ in attribute value.

      For example:

      • $name REGEX "^abc.*"
        This expression can be written as $name REGEX "abc.*"

      • $name REGEX ".*abc$"
        This expression can be written as $name REGEX ".*abc"

  11. Select resources from the Add Device section and click right arrow icon to add the list of resources for the site. You can use the dropdown or search box to search for a resource. This is in addition to the resources defined in Filter Criteria section.

  12. Click Save.

The site details appear in the list on the Sites page.

The Sites page is divided into the following:

  • Category: The left pane displays the unassigned category of resources. The number indicates the total number of resources that are not part of any site. Once a site is created, it will appear in the list.
  • Search box: Displays Search options. You can directly type the resource name or IP Address or enter the search criteria, to search for resources.
  • Settings: You can use the Settings option to add or remove columns. It provides options to add a device, unmanage a device, assign templates, and so on.
  • Refresh: To refresh the resource listing.
  • Resource attributes: Click on a site name or on the Unassigned category. A list of resources is displayed. By default, details such as Name, Host Name, IP Address, Operating System, Resource Name, Last Updated(IST), Traits are displayed.


The following is an example of how Filter Criteria and Add Using Query features work:

Site filters

The Site is created using two different resource types that are provided as a filter criteria, along with a query.

Note: When two different Resource Types are selected using the ALL Rules criteria, the rules are applied individually on each Resource Type.
Resources will be filtered against each resource type. Resource types are matched separately and the result is a sum of both.

Site details - Devices List:


If a new device is created and it matches the filter criteria or the advance search query, it is automatically added to the Site without the need for manually saving it again.

A new device is added. As it matches the query, it is automatically added to the Site:

View site details

Prerequisite: You must have Manage Device permission to view Site details.

All the sites and site details (such as resources) can be viewed.

Follow these steps to view the site details:

  1. Go to Infrastructure > Sites.

  2. Click the site name. The details of the site and the resources belonging to the site are displayed.

Sites list page

Edit a site

Prerequisite: You must have Manage Device permission to edit a site.

Follow these steps to edit a site:

  1. Go to Infrastructure > Sites.

  2. Click the site name.

  3. From the left pane, click the Settings icon and click Edit. The Edit Site page is displayed.

  4. Make the required changes and click Save.

The site is updated and displayed in the list of sites.

Note: Public cloud sites appear by default in the list of site details when a public cloud is integrated. You cannot edit or delete a public cloud site.

Delete a site

Prerequisite: You must have Manage Device permission to delete a site.

Follow these steps to delete a site:

  1. Go to Infrastructure > Sites.

  2. Click the site name.

  3. From the left pane, click the Settings icon and click Remove. A confirmation popup appears.

  4. Click Yes to delete the site.

Note: Public cloud sites appear by default in the list of site details when a public cloud is integrated. You cannot edit or delete a public cloud site.

View logs

Prerequisite: You must have View Device permission to view logs of a site.

Follow these steps to view site logs:

  1. Go to Infrastructure > Sites.

  2. Click the site name.

  3. From the left pane, click the Settings icon and click Log. A window appears with the Logs data for each resource.

Schedule a maintenance period

Maintenance periods enable you to schedule a time period to carry out maintenance activities on the resources. You can set up a time for the maintenance period of your sites.

Prerequisite: You must have Manage Device permission to add a schedule maintenance period for a site.

Follow these steps to add a schedule maintenance period for a site:

  1. Go to Infrastructure > Sites.

  2. Click the site name.

  3. From the left pane, click the Settings icon and click Maintenance. A confirmation popup appears.

  4. Click Yes to add a maintenance period for the site. The Create New Maintenance Period window is displayed.

  5. Provide details to schedule a maintenance period.

  6. Click Save.

As defined by the schedule, the site resources go into the maintenance mode.