Supported Versions
Web Services API version 1.9.0


HPE Primera provides a storage experience unmatched in the industry with a series of unique innovations across intelligence, hardware and software. These technologies make possible HPE Primera’s instant access to data, 100% data availability guarantee, and always-fast, ultra-low latency.

HPE Primera is a scale-out block storage system and comprises of three models:

  • HPE Primera 630: The architecture has up to four nodes with the internode communication handled by custom ASICs across a backplane.
  • HPE Primera 650: The larger models can scale from two to four nodes. The smallest model has two controllers, each with two processors (Intel Skylake) and four ASICs and 24 devices in the basic unit.
  • HPE Primera 670:The other model has two or four controllers and 48 devices. Systems scale larger with the addition of device enclosures. Model numbers prefixed with an “A” are all flash systems and with a “C” prefix can have HDDs installed.

Each model is available as an all-flash version (A630, A650 and A670) or converged flash version (C630, C650, C670).


  • The OpsRamp Gateway must be installed.
  • Provided IpAddress/hostname, Credentials should work for both WS APIs and SSH communication.

Hierarchy of HPE Primera

HPE Primera Storage System
    - HPE Primera Common Provisioning Group
        - HPE Primera Storage Volume
            - HPE Primera VLUN
    - HPE Primera Physical Disk
    - HPE Primera Host
      - HPE Primera Port
            - HPE Primera Port Device
            - HPE Primera FC Switch

Configure and install the integration

  1. Go to Setup > Integrations and Apps.
  2. Click + ADD on the INSTALLED APP page. The ADD APP page displays all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version.
    • If there are already installed applications, it will redirect to the INSTALLED APPS page, where all the installed applications are displayed.
    • If there are no installed applications, it will navigate to the ADD APP page.
    • You can even search for the application using the search option available. Also you can use the All Categories option to search.
  1. Click ADD in the HPE Primera application.
  2. In the Configurations page, click + ADD. The Add Configuration page appears.
  3. Enter the below mentioned BASIC INFORMATION:
NameEnter the name for the configuration.
IP Address/Host NameIP address/host name of the target.

Example: You can enter 443 as a WSAPI port value.
SSH PortSSH Port details

Example: You can enter 22 as a SSH Port value.
CredentialsSelect the credentials from the drop-down list.
Note: Click + Add to create a credential.


  • By default the Is Secure checkbox is selected.
  • Select the following:
    • App Failure Notifications: if turned on, you will be notified in case of an application failure that is, Connectivity Exception, Authentication Exception.
    • Event/Alert Polling: enables integrating third party alerts into OpsRamp using further configurations.
  • Below are the default values set for:
    • Event/Alert Severity Filter: provides severity alerts and gets integrated out of all possible alerts.
      • Default Values: FATAL,CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR.
    • Event Category: only provides category alerts that are generated out of possible values.
      • Category 1 is used to identify a lifecycle.
      • Category 2 is used to identify an alert.
      • Possible values of Event Category configuration property are 1,2.
    • Event/Alert Severity Mapping: enables you to map the severities between HPE Primera and OpsRamp as severities are predefined values in each system.
      • Default mappings: “FATAL”:“Critical”,“CRITICAL”:“Critical”,“MAJOR”:“Warning”,“MINOR”:“Warning”,“DEGRADED”:“Warning”,“INFORMATIONAL”:“Info”,“DEBUG”:“Info”,“UNKNOWN”:“Info”.
        Note: You can change it as per your business use cases at any point in time from the Configuration page.
  1. In the RESOURCE TYPE section, select:

    • ALL: All the existing and future resources will be discovered.
    • SELECT: You can select one or multiple resources to be discovered.
  2. In the DISCOVERY SCHEDULE section, select Recurrence Pattern to add one of the following patterns:

    • Minutes
    • Hourly
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
  3. Click ADD.

  4. Now the configuration is saved and displayed on the configurations page after you save it. From the same page, you may Edit and Remove the created configuration.

  5. Click NEXT.

  6. In the Installation page, select an existing registered gateway profile, and click FINISH.


The application is now installed and displayed on the INSTALLED INTEGRATION page. Use the search field to find the installed application.

Modify the Configuration

View the HPE Primera details

The HPE Primera integration is displayed in the Infrastructure > Resources > Storage. You can navigate to the Attributes tab to view the discovery details, and Metrics tab to view the metric details for HPE Primera.


Supported metrics

Metric NamesMetric Display NameUnitDescription
hpe_primera_system_license_StateHPE PRIMERA System License StateEnabled or disabled state of individual license
hpe_primera_system_node_online_statusHPE PRIMERA System Node Online StatusOnline or Offline status of individual node
hpe_primera_system_capacity_AllocatedMiBHPE PRIMERA System Allocated CapacityMiBTotal allocated capacity.
hpe_primera_system_capacity_UtilizationHPE PRIMERA System Capacity Utilization%System Capacity Utilization
hpe_primera_system_capacity_FailedMiBHPE PRIMERA System Failed CapacityMiBFailed capacity in MiB
hpe_primera_system_capacity_OverProvisionedVirtualSizeMiBHPE PRIMERA System OverProvisionedVirtualSize CapacityMiBSystem contains an over provisioned Virtual Size MiB.
hpe_primera_system_capacity_OverProvisionedUsedMiBHPE PRIMERA System OverProvisionedUsed CapacityMiBSystem contains an over provisioned MiB.
hpe_primera_system_capacity_OverProvisionedAllocatedMiBHPE PRIMERA System OverProvisionedAllocated CapacityMiBSystem contains an over provisioned allocated MiB.
hpe_primera_system_capacity_OverProvisionedFreeMiBHPE PRIMERA System OverProvisionedFree CapacityMiBSystem contains an over provisioned free MiB.
hpe_primera_cacheMemoryStatistics_HitIOHPE PRIMERA HitIO CacheMemoryStatisticspsecNumber of Read/Write I/Os per second where data is in cache.
hpe_primera_cacheMemoryStatistics_MissIOHPE PRIMERA MissIO CacheMemoryStatisticspsecNumber of Read/Write I/Os per second where data is not in cache.
hpe_primera_cacheMemoryStatistics_AccessIOHPE PRIMERA AccessIO CacheMemoryStatisticspsecNumber of read/write I/Os per second.
hpe_primera_cacheMemoryStatistics_HitPctHPE PRIMERA HitPct CacheMemoryStatistics%Hits divided by accesses and displayed in percentage
hpe_primera_cacheMemoryStatistics_TotalAccessIOHPE PRIMERA TotalAccessIO CacheMemoryStatisticspsecNumber of total read and write I/Os per second.
hpe_primera_cacheMemoryStatistics_LockBulkIOHPE PRIMERA LockBulkIO CacheMemoryStatisticspsecNumber of pages modified per second by host I/O and written to disk by the flusher.
hpe_primera_cacheMemoryStatistics_PageStatesHPE PRIMERA PageStates CacheMemoryStatisticscountInformation on page states.
hpe_primera_cacheMemoryStatistics_DirtyPagesHPE PRIMERA DirtyPages CacheMemoryStatisticscountCurrent number of dirty cluster memory pages per device type class in the system.
hpe_primera_cacheMemoryStatistics_MaxDirtyPagesHPE PRIMERA MaxDirtyPages CacheMemoryStatisticscountMaximum allowed number of dirty cluster memory pages per device type class in the system.
hpe_primera_cacheMemoryStatistics_DelayAckPagesHPE PRIMERA DelayAckPages CacheMemoryStatisticscountNumber of delayed acknowledgments (per device type class) to the host in order to throttle the host IO writes due to cache resource constraints.
hpe_primera_cpuStatistics_UserPctHPE PRIMERA UserPct CpuStatistics%Percent of CPU time in user-mode.
hpe_primera_cpuStatistics_SystemPctHPE PRIMERA SystemPct CpuStatistics%Percent of CPU time in system-mode.
hpe_primera_cpuStatistics_IdlePctHPE PRIMERA IdlePct CpuStatistics%Percent of CPU time in idle.
hpe_primera_cpuStatistics_InterruptsPerSecHPE PRIMERA InterruptsPerSec CpuStatisticspsecNumber of interrupts per second.
hpe_primera_cpuStatistics_ContextSwitchesPerSecHPE PRIMERA ContextSwitchesPerSec CpuStatisticspsecNumber of context switches per second.
hpe_primera_physicalDiskCapacity_AllocatedMiBHPE PRIMERA Allocated PhysicalDiskCapacityMiBAllocated physical disk capacity in the system
hpe_primera_physicalDiskCapacity_AllocatedUtilizationHPE PRIMERA Allocated PhysicalDiskCapacity Utilization%Allocated physical disk capacity utilization in the system
hpe_primera_physicalDiskCapacity_FailedMiBHPE PRIMERA Failed PhysicalDiskCapacityMiBFailed physical disk capacity in the system.
hpe_primera_physicalDiskStatistics_IOHPE PRIMERA IO PhysicalDiskStatisticspsecNumber of IO per second.
hpe_primera_physicalDiskStatistics_KBytesHPE PRIMERA KBytes PhysicalDiskStatisticsKBpsNumber of kilobytes per second.
hpe_primera_physicalDiskStatistics_ServiceTimeMSHPE PRIMERA ServiceTimeMS PhysicalDiskStatisticsmsService time in millisecond statistic data
hpe_primera_physicalDiskStatistics_IOSizeKBHPE PRIMERA IOSizeKB PhysicalDiskStatisticsKBIO size in kilobytes statistical data.
hpe_primera_physicalDiskStatistics_QueueLengthHPE PRIMERA QueueLength PhysicalDiskStatisticsQueue length
hpe_primera_physicalDiskStatistics_BusyPctHPE PRIMERA BusyPct PhysicalDiskStatistics%Busy percentage
hpe_primera_physicalDiskSpacedata_NormalChunkletsHPE PRIMERA PhysicalDiskSpacedata NormalChunkletscountNormal chunklets data
hpe_primera_physicalDiskSpacedata_SpareChunkletsHPE PRIMERA PhysicalDiskSpacedata SpareChunkletscountSpare chunklets data
hpe_primera_physicalDiskSpacedata_LifeLeftPctHPE PRIMERA PhysicalDiskSpacedata LifeLeftPct%Percentage of life left.
hpe_primera_physicalDiskSpacedata_TemperatureCHPE PRIMERA PhysicalDiskSpacedata TemperatureCCelsiusTemperature in Celsius.
hpe_primera_cpgSpaceData_TotalUsedSpaceMiBHPE PRIMERA CpgSpaceData Total Used SpaceMiBTotal Used CPG space in MiB
hpe_primera_cpgSpaceData_UserUsedSpaceMiBHPE PRIMERA CpgSpaceData User Used SpaceMiBUser Used CPG space in MiB
hpe_primera_cpgSpaceData_SnapUsedSpaceMiBHPE PRIMERA CpgSpaceData Snap Used SpaceMiBSnap Used CPG space in MiB
hpe_primera_cpgSpaceData_AdminUsedSpaceMiBHPE PRIMERA CpgSpaceData Admin Used SpaceMiBAdmin Used CPG space in MiB
hpe_primera_cpgSpaceData_TotalUsedSpaceUtilizationHPE PRIMERA CpgSpaceData Total Used Space Utilization%Total Used CPG space Percentage
hpe_primera_cpgSpaceData_UserUsedSpaceUtilizationHPE PRIMERA CpgSpaceData User UsedSpace Utilization%User Used CPG space Percentage
hpe_primera_cpgSpaceData_SnapUsedSpaceUtilizationHPE PRIMERA CpgSpaceData Snap Used Space Utilization%Snap Used CPG space Percentage
hpe_primera_cpgSpaceData_AdminUsedSpaceUtilizationHPE PRIMERA CpgSpaceData Admin Used Space Utilization%Admin Used CPG space Percentage
hpe_primera_cpgSpaceData_base_PrivateSpaceMiBHPE PRIMERA CpgSpaceData Base Private SpaceMiBBase Private CPG space in MiB
hpe_primera_cpgSpaceData_snapshot_PrivateSpaceMiBHPE PRIMERA CpgSpaceData Snapshot Private SpaceMiBSnapshot Private CPG space in MiB
hpe_primera_cpgSpaceData_GrowthMiBHPE PRIMERA CpgSpaceData GrowthMiBCPG space increase in MiB.
hpe_primera_cpgSpaceData_DeduplicationGcKBPSHPE PRIMERA CpgSpaceData Deduplication GcKBpsDeduplication Garbage Collector in KBPS.
hpe_primera_cpgSpaceData_CapacityEfficiencyHPE PRIMERA CpgSpaceData CapacityEfficiencyCapacity efficiency attributes.
hpe_primera_cpgStatistics_IOHPE PRIMERA IO CpgStatisticspsecNumber of IO per second, which includes read, write, and total.
hpe_primera_cpgStatistics_KbytesHPE PRIMERA Kbytes CpgStatisticsKBpsNumber of kilobytes per second, which includes read, write, and total.
hpe_primera_cpgStatistics_ServiceTimeMSHPE PRIMERA ServiceTimeMS CpgStatisticsmsService time in ms, which includes read, write, and total.
hpe_primera_cpgStatistics_IOSizeKBHPE PRIMERA IOSizeKB CpgStatisticsKBObject IO size in kilobytes, which includes read, write, and total.
hpe_primera_cpgStatistics_QueueLengthHPE PRIMERA QueueLength CpgStatisticsQueue length
hpe_primera_cpgStatistics_BusyPctHPE PRIMERA BusyPct CpgStatistics%Busy percentage
hpe_primera_cpg_StateHPE PRIMERA CPG StateOverall state of the CPG.
hpe_primera_portStatistics_SpeedHPE PRIMERA Speed PortStatisticsPort speed.
hpe_primera_portStatistics_IOHPE PRIMERA IO PortStatisticspsecNumber of IO per second.
hpe_primera_portStatistics_KBytesHPE PRIMERA KBytes PortStatisticsKBpsNumber of kilobytes per second
hpe_primera_portStatistics_ServiceTimeMSHPE PRIMERA ServiceTimeMS PortStatisticsmsService time in millisecond statistic data.
hpe_primera_portStatistics_IOSizeKBHPE PRIMERA IOSizeKB PortStatisticsKBIO size in kilobytes statistic data.
hpe_primera_portStatistics_QueueLengthHPE PRIMERA QueueLength PortStatisticsQueue length
hpe_primera_portStatistics_BusyPctHPE PRIMERA BusyPct PortStatistics%Busy percentage
hpe_primera_port_LinkStateHPE PRIMERA Port LinkStatePort link state.
hpe_primera_port_FailoverStateHPE PRIMERA Port FailoverStateThe state of the failover operation, shown for the two ports indicated in the N:S:P and Partner columns.
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_rawReserved_UserMiBHPE PRIMERA User RawReserved VolumeSpaceDataMiBRaw reserved user space in MiB
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_rawReserved_SnapMiBHPE PRIMERA Snap RawReserved VolumeSpaceDataMiBRaw reserved snap space in MiB
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_rawReserved_AdminMiBHPE PRIMERA Admin RawReserved VolumeSpaceDataMiBRaw reserved admin space in MiB
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_rawReserved_TotalMiBHPE PRIMERA Total RawReserved VolumeSpaceDataMiBRaw reserved total space in MiB
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_userSpace_UsedMiBHPE PRIMERA Used UserSpace VolumeSpaceDataMiBUsed user space in MiB
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_userSpace_UsedUtilizationHPE PRIMERA Used UserSpace Utilization VolumeSpaceData%Used user space utilization
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_snapSpace_UsedMiBHPE PRIMERA Used SnapSpace VolumeSpaceDataMiBUsed snapshot space in MiB
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_snapSpace_UsedUtilizationHPE PRIMERA Used SnapSpace Utilization VolumeSpaceData%Used snapshot space utilization
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_snapSpace_VcopyMiBHPE PRIMERA Vcopy SnapSpace VolumeSpaceDataMiBSnapshot virtual copy space in MiB
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_adminSpace_UsedMiBHPE PRIMERA Used AdminSpace VolumeSpaceDataMiBUsed admin space in MiB
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_adminSpace_UsedUtilizationHPE PRIMERA Used AdminSpace Utilization VolumeSpaceData%Used admin space utilization
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_adminSpace_VcopyMiBHPE PRIMERA Vcopy AdminSpace VolumeSpaceDataMiBAdmin virtual copy space in MiB
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_totalSpace_UsedMiBHPE PRIMERA Used TotalSpace VolumeSpaceDataMiBTotal used space in MiB
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_totalSpace_UsedUtilizationHPE PRIMERA Used TotalSpace Utilization VolumeSpaceData%Total used space utilization
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_totalSpace_VcopyMiBHPE PRIMERA Vcopy TotalSpace VolumeSpaceDataMiBTotal virtual copy size in MiB
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_totalSpace_HostWriteMiBHPE PRIMERA HostWrite TotalSpace VolumeSpaceDataMiBSpace write to the host in MiB
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_CapacityEfficiencyHPE PRIMERA VolumeSpaceData CapacityEfficiencyCapacity efficiency attributes.
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_CompressionGcKBPSHPE PRIMERA VolumeSpaceData CompressionGcKBPSKBpsCompression garbage collector in KBPS.
hpe_primera_volumeSpaceData_CompressionStateHPE PRIMERA VolumeSpaceData CompressionStateVolume detailed compression state.
hpe_primera_volume_StateHPE PRIMERA Volume StateState of the volume.
hpe_primera_volume_DeduplicationStateHPE PRIMERA Volume DeduplicationStateVolume detailed deduplication state.
hpe_primera_vlunstatistics_IOHPE PRIMERA IO VlunStatisticspsecNumber of IO per second .
hpe_primera_vlunstatistics_KBytesHPE PRIMERA KBytes VlunStatisticsKBpsNumber of kilobytes per second.
hpe_primera_vlunstatistics_ServiceTimeMSHPE PRIMERA ServiceTimeMS VlunStatisticsmsService time in millisecond statistic data.
hpe_primera_vlunstatistics_IOSizeKBHPE PRIMERA IOSizeKB VlunStatisticsKBIO size in kilobytes statistic data.
hpe_primera_vlunstatistics_QueueLengthHPE PRIMERA QueueLength VlunStatisticsQueue length
hpe_primera_vlunstatistics_BusyPctHPE PRIMERA BusyPct VlunStatistics%Busy percentage
hpe_primera_node_StateHPE Primera Node Statestate of the node. Possible values are: Ok : 0 , Degraded : 1, Failed : 2
hpe_primera_node_DetailedStateHPE Primera Node DetailedStateDetailed state of node. OK:0 , tod_bat_fail:1 , invalid_bat_config:2 , link_error:3,uncorrectable_mem_error:4 , multi_uncorrectable_mem_error:5 , correctable_mem_error:6 , internal_system_error:7, hardware_watchdog_error:8 , pci_error:9 , driver_software_error:10 , cpu_overheating:11 , cpu_vrm_overheating:12 , control_cache_dimm_overheating:13 , node_offline_due_to_failure:14 , node_shutdown:15 , unknown:16
hpe_primera_diskDrive_StateHPE Primera DiskDrive StateState of the PD, can be one of the following. normal : 0,new : 1,degraded : 2,failed : 3
hpe_primera_driveCage_OverallStateHPE Primera DriveCage OverallStateCage overall state. Possible value. Normal : 0 , error:1
hpe_primera_cagePowerSupply_StateHPE Primera CagePowerSupply StateCage Powersupply state. Possible values are. OK : 0 , -- : 1 , Failed : 2 , NotPresent : 3 , Degraded : 4
hpe_primera_cagePowerSupply_FanStateHPE Primera CagePowerSupply FanStateCage Powersupply Fan state. Possible values are. OK : 0,-- : 1,Failed : 2
hpe_primera_nodePowerSupply_StateHPE Primera NodePowerSupply StateNode Power supply state. Possible values are. OK : 0,-- : 1,Failed : 2,NotPresent : 3 , Degraded :4
hpe_primera_nodePowerSupply_ACStateHPE Primera NodePowerSupply ACStateNode AC Power supply state. Possible values are.OK : 0,-- : 1,Failed : 2
hpe_primera_nodePowerSupply_DCStateHPE Primera NodePowerSupply DCStateNode DC Power supply state. Possible values are.OK : 0,-- : 1,Failed : 2
hpe_primera_battery_StateHPE Primera Battery StateBattery state. Possible values are. OK : 0,Failed : 1,Degraded : 2,NotPresent : 3
hpe_primera_battery_DetailedStateHPE Primera Battery DetailedStateDetailed state of the battery. Possible values are. normal : 0,InvalidFirmware : 1 ,Unknown : 2 ,Undefined : 3,NotPresent : 4,Expired : 5,Failed : 6
hpe_primera_port_StateHPE Primera Port StateState of the port. Possible values are. ready : 0,config_wait : 1,alpa_wait : 2,login_wait : 3,loss_sync : 4,non_participate : 5,taking_coredump : 6 ,link_idle_for_reset : 7 ,dhcp_in_progress : 8,pending_reset : 9,error : 10,xxx : 11,fw_dead : 12,unknown : 13,offline : 14
hpe_primera_port_FailoverStateHPE Primera Port FailOverStateThe failover state of the two ports indicated in the N:S:P and Partner columns. Possible values are. none : 0 ,failover_pending : 1,failed_over : 2,active : 3 ,failback_pending : 4,active_down : 5, -:6

Risks, Limitations & Assumptions

  • Application can handle Critical/Recovery failure notifications for below two cases when user enables App Failure Notifications in configuration
    • Connectivity Exception
    • Authentication Exception
  • Application uses the provided IpAddress/hostname, credentials for both WSAPIs and SSH communications.
  • Application will not send any duplicate/repeat failure alert notification until the already existed critical alert is recovered.
  • Application cannot control monitoring pause/resume actions based on above alerts.
  • Metrics can be used to monitor HPE Primera resources and can generate alerts based on the threshold values.
  • As few of the HPE Primera components did not have direct name information in WSAPI responses, OpsRamp proceed with below assumptions:
    • For Physical Disk Discovery, OpsRamp considered physical disk id (if WSAPI version is less than 1.6.15) OR WWN (if WSAPI version is greater than or equal to 1.6.15) as Resource Name in OpsRamp.
    • For Ports Discovery, OpsRamp considered portWWN (PortWWN will present for FCoE and FC ports only) OR port portPos (when portWWN was not present in response) as Resource Name in OpsRamp.
    • For VLUN Discovery, OpsRamp considered lun value as resource name in OpsRamp.
  • HPE Primera’s Event/Alert polling will start only if the user enables Event/Alert Polling in configuration.
  • Possible values of Event/Alert Severity Filter configuration property are FATAL, CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR, DEGRADED, INFORMATIONAL, DEBUG, UNKNOWN
  • Possible values of Event Category configuration property are 1,2. Category 1 is used to identify a lifecycle event and 2 is used to identify an alert.
  • OpsRamp has given sample mappings to map HPE Primera Severity with OpsRamp severities as part of Event/Alert Severity Mapping configuration field. Users can modify them as per their use case at any point of time from the App Configuration page. Possible OpsRamp Severities are Critical, Warning, Ok, Info.
  • In referred HPE Primera developer guides, there is no information about how Logged system events are getting resolved, hence OpsRamp has not included polled events/alerts recovery mechanism.
  • No support of showing activity log and applied time.
  • No support for the option to get Latest snapshot metric.