Supported Versions
Validated against target device
REST API version using 3.1.2


VMware NSX-T™ Data Center provides an agile software-defined infrastructure to build cloud-native application environments. NSX-T Data Center focuses on providing networking, security, automation, and operational simplicity for emerging application frameworks and architectures that have heterogeneous endpoint environments and technology stacks.

VMware NSX

VMware NSX is a network virtualization and security platform that enables the virtual cloud network, a software-defined approach to networking that extends across data centers, clouds and application frameworks.

VMware NSX is suitable for all infrastructure types:

  • Multi-cloud environments
  • On-premises data centers
  • Bare metal servers
  • Containerized workloads

Benefits of NSX-T

The main benefit is that NSX-T can be deployed in heterogeneous environments with many different components. NSX-T is not under the confines of the vCenter deployment. You can have multiple vCenter servers and use one NSX manager as a single pane of glass for controlling your virtual network. Or, you do not have to deploy a vCenter at all. Instead, you can choose ESXi as the operating system in the NSX-T GUI, for example.

NSX-T Main Components:

The primary components of VMware NSX-T are:

  • NSX-T Manager: provides graphical user interface (GUI) and RESTful API for creating, configuring, and monitoring NSX-T components, such as segments and gateways.

  • NSX-T Controller: they are responsible for the programmatic deployment of virtual networks across the entire NSX-T architecture, and control the virtual networks and overlay transport tunnels.

  • NSX-T Edges: provides routing services and connectivity to networks that are external to the NSX-T deployment.

  • Logical Firewall: NSX-T handles traffic in and out of the network according to firewall rules.

  • Logical Routers (Gateways): NSX-T Gateways provide North-South connectivity so that workloads can access external networks and East-West connectivity between different logical networks.

  • Transport Zone: A transport zone defines a collection of hosts that can communicate with each other across a physical network infrastructure.


  • The OpsRamp Gateway must be installed.

Hierarchy of NSX-T resources:

NSX-T Manager Cluster
— NSX Manager (nodes)
— Edge Cluster
      — Router
          — Firewall
— Transport Zones
      — Edge Transport Nodes (ESXi)
          — Edge N/W Interfaces (Physical)
          — Edge VMs
      — Host Transport Nodes
          — Host N/W Interfaces (Physical)
          — Host VMs
      — Logical Switches

Configure and install the integration

  1. Go to Setup > Integrations and Apps.
  2. Click + ADD on the INSTALLED APP page. The AVAILABLE INTEGRATIONS AND APPS page displays all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version.
    Note: You can even search for the application using the search option available. Also you can use the All Categories option to search.
  1. Click ADD in the VMware NSX-T application.
  2. In the Configurations page, click + ADD. The Add Configuration page appears.
  3. Enter the below mentioned BASIC INFORMATION:
NameEnter the name for the configuration.
NSX-T Manager IP AddressIP address of the target.
Example: By default 443 is the port value
CredentialSelect the credentials from the drop-down list.
Note: Click + Add to create a credential.


  • By default the Is Secure checkbox is selected.
  • App Failure Notifications: if turned on, you will be notified in case of an application failure that is, Connectivity Exception, Authentication Exception.
  1. In the RESOURCE TYPE section, select:
    • ALL: All the existing and future resources will be discovered.
    • SELECT: You can select one or multiple resources to be discovered.
  2. In the DISCOVERY SCHEDULE section, select Recurrence Pattern to add one of the following patterns:
    • Minutes
    • Hourly
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
  3. Click ADD.
  1. Now the configuration is saved and displayed on the configurations page after you save it. From the same page, you may Edit and Remove the created configuration.
  2. Click Next
  3. In the Installation page, select an existing registered profile, and click FINISH.

The application is now installed and displayed on the INSTALLED INTEGRATION page. Use the search field to find the installed application.

Modify the Configuration

View the VMware NSX-T details

The VMware NSX-T integration is displayed in the Infrastructure > Resources > Cluster. You can navigate to the Attributes tab to view the discovery details.

The NSX-T Manager(nodes), Edge Cluster and Transport Zones are displayed under Components:

The Metrics tab to view the metric details for VMware NSX-T

Supported metrics

Native TypeMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitsDescription
NsxT Edge Clusternsxt_edgecluster_StatusNSXT EdgeCluster StatusReturns the aggregated status for Edge Cluster

Possible values: Up, Down, Degraded, Unknown.
NsxT Edge Physical Network Interfacensxt_edgenode_physicalinterface_AdminStatusNSXT EdgeNode Physical Interface Admin StatusEdgeNode Network Interface Admin Status.

Possible values: Up, Down, Degraded, Unknown.
nsxt_edgenode_physicalinterface_LinkStatusNSXT EdgeNode Physical Interface Link StatusEdgeNode Physical Interface Link Status.

Possible values: Up, Down, Degraded, Unknown.
NsxT Firewallnsxt_firewall_RuleCountNSXT Firewall Rule CountcountNumber of Rules associated with a Firewall.
nsxt_firewall_SectionCountNSXT Firewall Section CountcountNumber Of sessions within a firewall returns.

Total Number Of Sections available for a Firewall.
NsxT Host Physical Network Interfacensxt_hostnode_physicalinterface_AdminStatusNSXT HostNode Physical Interface Admin StatusHostNode Network Interface Admin Status.

Possible values: Up, Down, Degraded, Unknown.
nsxt_hostnode_physicalinterface_LinkStatusNSXT HostNode Physical Interface Link StatusHostNode Network Interface Link Status.

Possible values: Up, Down, Degraded, Unknown.
NsxT Logical Switchnsxt_logicalswitch_DroppedReceivedPacketsNSXT LogicalSwitch Dropped Received PacketscountNumber of received packets received by Logical Switch.
nsxt_logicalswitch_DroppedTransmittedPacketsNSXT LogicalSwitch Dropped Transmitted PacketscountNumber of transmitted packets dropped by Logical Switch.
nsxt_logicalswitch_FullyRealizedSwitchCountNSXT LogicalSwitch Fully Realized Switch CountcountNumber of Logical switches in fully realized state
nsxt_logicalswitch_LogicalPortCountNSXT LogicalSwitch LogicalPorts CountcountNumber of Logical ports associated with a logical switch
nsxt_logicalswitch_TotalReceivedBytesNSXT LogicalSwitch Total Received ByttesbytesNumber of transmitted packets dropped by Logical Switch
nsxt_logicalswitch_TotalReceivedPacketsNSXT LogicalSwitch Total Received PacketscountNumber of packets received by Logical Switch
nsxt_logicalswitch_TotalSwitchCountNSXT LogicalSwitch Total CountcountTotal Number of Logical Switches
nsxt_logicalswitch_TotalTransmittedBytesNSXT LogicalSwitch Total Transmitted BytesbytesNumber of bytes transmitted by Logical Switch
nsxt_logicalswitch_TotalTransmittedPacketsNSXT LogicalSwitch Total Transmitted PacketscountTotal number of Packets transmitted by Logical Switch
NsxT Managernsxt_manager_CPUCountNSXT Manager CPU CountcountTotal Number Of CPU's on the NSXT Manager
nsxt_manager_ControllerNodeStatusNSXT Manager ControllerNodeStatusDefines whether controller node is running or not
nsxt_manager_CpuPercentageUtilizationNSXT Manager CPU Percentage UtiizationpercentFifteen minute load averages for the system utilization
nsxt_manager_FilesystemUtlizationNSXT Manager Filesyestem UtilizationpercentFileSystems utilization on the VMware NSXT Manager
nsxt_manager_FreeMemoryNSXT Manager Free MemorykilobytesThe amount of free memory on the VMware NSXT Manager
nsxt_manager_MemoryUtilizationNSXT Manager Memory UtilizationpercentThe amount of memory used by the VMware NSXT Manager in percentage
nsxt_manager_TotalMemoryNSXT Manager Total MemorykilobytesThe amount of Total memory on the VMware NSXT Manager.
nsxt_manager_UsedMemoryNSXT Manager Used MemorykilobytesThe amount of Used memory on the VMware NSXT Manager.
nsxt_manager_CPUUtlizationNSXT Manager CPU Utilization%Fifteen minute load averages for the system utilization
nsxt_manager_ControllerStatusNSXT Manager Controller StatusController Status. Possible values are Running(1),Not Running(0)
NsxT Manager Clusternsxt_managercluster_BackupConfigurationNSX Manager Backup Configurationper hourGet backup configuration,get a configuration of a file server and timers for automated backup. Fields that contain secrets (password, passphrase) are not returned.
NsxT Transport Nodensxt_transportNode_BfdAdminDownCountNSXT TransportNode BFD Admin Down CountcountReturns Bidirectional Forwarding Admin Down Count
nsxt_transportNode_BfdAdministrativelyDownCountNSXT TransportNode BFD Administrative Path Down CountcountReturns BFD Administrative Path Down Count
nsxt_transportNode_BfdConcatenatedPathDownCountNSXT TransportNode BFD Concatenated Path Down CountcountReturns BFD Concatenated Path Down Count
nsxt_transportNode_BfdControlDetectionTimeExpiredCountNSXT TransportNode BFD Control Detection TimeExpired CountcountReturns Bi-directional Forwarding Control Detection TimeExpired Count.
nsxt_transportNode_BfdDownCountNSXT TransportNode BFD Down CountcountReturns Bidirectional Forwarding Down Count.
nsxt_transportNode_BfdEchoFunctionFailedCountNSXT TransportNode BFD Echo Function Failed CountcountReturns Bidirectional Forwarding Detection Of Echo Function Failed Count.
nsxt_transportNode_BfdForwardPlaneResetCountNSXT TransportNode BFD Echo Function Failed CountcountReturns BFD Forward Plane Reset Count.
nsxt_transportNode_BfdInitCountNSXT TransportNode BFD Init CountcountReturns Bidirectional Forwarding Init Count.
nsxt_transportNode_BfdNeighbourSignalledSessionDownCountNSXT TransportNode BFD Neighbour Signalled Session Down CountcountReturns BFD Neighbour Signalled Session Down Count.
nsxt_transportNode_BfdNoDiagnosticCountNSXT TransportNode BFD No Diagnostic CountcountReturns Bidirectional Forwarding NoDiagnostic Count.
nsxt_transportNode_BfdPathDownCountNSXT TransportNode BFD Path Down CountcountReturns BFD Path Down Count.
nsxt_transportNode_BfdReverseConcatenatedPathDownCountNSXT TransportNode BFD Reverse Concatenated Path Down CountcountReturns BFD Reverse Concatenated Path Down Count.
nsxt_transportNode_BfdUpCountNSXT TransportNode BFD Up CountcountReturns Bidirectional Forwarding Up Count.
nsxt_transportNode_DataPathHeapUsageNSXT TransportNode Data Path Heap UsagepercentReturns Heap usage of the data path of a Transport Node.
nsxt_transportNode_DataPathTotalUsageNSXT TransportNode Data Path Total UsagepercentReturns Total usage of data path of a Transport Node.
nsxt_transportNode_LCPConnectionStatusNSXT TransportNode LCP Connection StatusReturns the connection status of transportnode with local control plane.

Possible values: Up, Down, Unknown, Degraded.
nsxt_transportNode_MPAConnectionStatusNSXT TransportNode MPA Connection StatusReturns the connection status of transportnode with Management Plane Agent.

Possible values: Up, Down, Unknown, Degraded.
nsxt_transportNode_PnicDegradedCountNSXT TransportNode PNIC Degraded CountcountReturns Count of Physical NIC's in Degraded State.
nsxt_transportNode_PnicDownCountNSXT TransportNode PNIC Down CountcountReturns Physical NIC's Down Count.
nsxt_transportNode_PnicStatusNSXT TransportNode PNIC StatusTransportNode PNIC Status.

Possible values: Up, Down, Unknown and Degraded.
nsxt_transportNode_PnicUpCountNSXT TransportNode PNIC Up CountcountReturns Physical NIC's Up Count.
nsxt_transportNode_StatusNSXT TransportNode StatusTransportNode Status.

Possible values: Up, Down, Unknown and Degraded.
nsxt_transportNode_TunnelDownCountNSXT TransportNode Tunnel Down CountcountReturns Tunnel Count which is in Down State.
nsxt_transportNode_TunnelStatusNSXT TransportNode Tunnel StatusDefines Connectivity Status Of a TransportNode with Another Remote TransportNodes

Possible values: Up, Down, Unknown, Degraded.
nsxt_transportNode_TunnelUpCountNSXT TransportNode Tunnel Up CountcountReturns Tunnel Count which is in Up State.
nsxt_transportnode_AvgDpdkCpuCoreUtilizationNSXT TransportNode Avg Dpdk Cpu Core UtilizationpercentAverage Utilization of DPDK CPU cores in a TransportNode.
nsxt_transportnode_AvgNonDpdkCpuCoreUtilizationNSXT TransportNode Avg Non Dpdk Cpu Core UtilizationpercentAverage Utilization of Non-DPDK CPU cores in a TransportNode.
nsxt_transportnode_CacheMemoryNSXT TransportNode Cache MemorymegabytesCache Memory allocated to a TransportNode.
nsxt_transportnode_CacheUtilizationNSXT TransportNode Cache UtilizationpercentCache Memory Utilization of a TransportNode.
nsxt_transportnode_CpuCoresCountNSXT TransportNode Cpu Cores CountcountThe number of CPU cores in a TransportNode.
nsxt_transportnode_DpdkCpuCoresCountNSXT TransportNode Dpdk Cpu Cores CountcountThe number of DPDK CPU cores in a TransportNode.
nsxt_transportnode_FileSystemUtlizationNSXT TransportNde FileSystem UtilizationpercentFile System Utilization Of a TransportNode.
nsxt_transportnode_HighestDpdkCpuCoreUtilizationNSXT TransportNode Highest Dpdk Cpu Core UtilizationpercentHighest Utilization of DPDK CPU cores in a TransportNode.
nsxt_transportnode_HighestNonDpdkCpuCoreUtilizationNSXT TransportNode Highest Non Dpdk Cpu Core UtilizationpercentHighest Utilization of Non-DPDK CPU cores in a TransportNode.
nsxt_transportnode_LoadAveragesNSXT TransportNode Load AveragespercentFifteen minute load averages for the system utilization.
nsxt_transportnode_NonDpdkCpuCoresCountNSXT TransportNode Non Dpdk Cpu Cores CountcountThe number of NON-DPDK CPU cores in a TransportNode.
nsxt_transportnode_SwapUtilizationNSXT TransportNode Swap UtilizationpercentSwap Memory utilization of a TransportNode.
nsxt_transportnode_SystemMemoryUtilizationNSXT TransportNode System Memory UtilizationpercentTotal Memory utilization of a TransportNode.
nsxt_transportnode_TotalDiskSpaceNSXT TransportNode Total Disk SpacekilobytesTotal Disk Space of a TransportNode.
nsxt_transportnode_TotalMemoryNSXT TransportNode Total MemorymegabytesTotal Memory allocated to a TransportNode.
nsxt_transportnode_UsedDiskSpaceNSXT TransportNode Used Disk SpacekilobytesNSXT TransportNode Used Disk Space.
nsxt_transportnode_UsedMemoryNSXT TransportNode Used MemorymegabytesAmount of memory used by a Transport Node.
nsxt_transportnodes_DegradedCountNSXT TransportNodes Degraded CountcountThe number of transport nodes in DegradedState.
nsxt_transportnodes_DownCountNSXT TransportNodes Down CountcountThe number of transport nodes are down.
nsxt_transportnodes_UnknownStateCountNSXT TransportNodes Unknown State CountcountThe number of transport nodes in Unknown State.
nsxt_transportnodes_UpCountNSXT TransportNodes Up CountcountThe number of transport nodes are running.
nsxt_transportNode_BfdAdministrativeDownCountNSXT TransportNode BFD Administrative Path Down CountcountReturns BFD Administrative Path Down Count
NsxT Transport Zonensxt_transportzone_DegradedCountNSXT TransportZone Degraded Countcount
nsxt_transportzone_DownCountNSXT TransportZone Down CountcountThe number of transport zones are down.
nsxt_transportzone_LogicalSwitchesCountNSXT TransportZone LogicalSwitches CountcountThe number of logicalswitches associated with a transportzone.
nsxt_transportzone_TransportNodeCountNSXT TransportZone TransportNode CountcountThe number of transportnodes associated with a transportzone
nsxt_transportzone_UnknownStateCountNSXT TransportZone Unknown CountcountThe number of transport zones in Unknown State.
nsxt_transportzone_UpCountNSXT TransportZone Up CountcountThe number of transport zones are running.
nsxt_transportzones_LogicalSwitchCountNSXT TransportZones Logical Switch CountcountThe number of Logical Switches associated with a transport zone
nsxt_transportzones_TransportNodeCountNSXT TransportZones TransportNode CountcountThe number of transportnodes. both HostNode and EdgeNode associated with a transportzone
nsxt_transportzones_UpCountNSXT TransportZones Up CountcountThe number of transport zones in Up(Running) state
nsxt_transportzones_DownCountNSXT TransportZones Down CountcountThe number of transport zones in Down state
nsxt_transportzones_DegradedCountNSXT TransportZones Degraded CountcountThe number of transport zones in Degraded State
nsxt_transportzones_UnknownStateCountNSXT TransportZones Unknown State CountcountThe number of transport zones in Unknown State
NsxT Virtual Machinensxt_virtualMachine_StatusNSXT VirtualMachine StatusVirtualMachine Status.

Possible values: VM_Running, VM_Stopped
NsxT Logical Routernsxt_logicalrouter_BGP_neighbor_connection_StateNSXT LogicalRouter BGP Neighbor Connection StateCurrent state of the BGP session.

nsxt_logicalrouter_BGP_neighbor_established_connection_CountNSXT LogicalRouter BGP Neighbor Established Connection CountcountCount of connections established.
nsxt_logicalrouter_BGP_neighbor_connection_drop_CountNSXT LogicalRouter BGP Neighbor Connection Drop CountcountCount of connection drop.

Risks, Limitations & Assumptions

  • Application can handle Critical/Recovery failure notifications for below two cases when user enables App Failure Notifications in configuration
    • Connectivity Exception
    • Authentication Exception
  • Application will not send any duplicate/repeat failure alert notification until the already existing critical alert is recovered.
  • Macro replacement limitation (that is, customization for threshold breach alert subject, description).
  • Application cannot control monitoring pause/resume actions based on above alerts.
  • No support of showing activity log and applied time.
  • No support for the option to get Latest snapshot metric.