Step 1: Configure the namespace

  1. Connect to a cluster and create a custom namespace.

    kubectl create ns {namespace-name} 
    For example- kubectl create ns monitoring

Step 2: Install the integration

  1. From All Clients, select a client.

  2. Go to Setup > Integrations and Apps.

  3. If there are apps/integrations already installed, it will redirect to the INSTALLED INTEGRATIONS page where all the installed integrations/apps are displayed. Click +ADD and search for Kubernetes on the AVAILABLE INTEGRATIONS AND APPS page. Also you can use the All Categories dropdown list to search. If there are no installed apps, it will navigate to the AVAILABLE INTEGRATIONS AND APPS page.

  4. Click +ADD on the Kubernetes tile.

  5. Enter the following details:

    • Name: Name for the integration.
    • Deployment type: On-prem or Cloud (AWS, GKE, and AKS)
    • Container Engine: Docker or ContainerD. Primarily, Docker is used. ContainerD is used for K3s integration.

  6. Click on NEXT.

Configure Kubernetes

Step 3: Configure the integration

  1. Create a YAML file in the cluster. Example- agent.yaml

  2. Paste the copied content from the portal into a new YAML file.

  3. Now, replace the namespace: OpsRamp-agent to the created new namespace.

  4. Remove the section for creating namespace in the OpsRamp Agent YAML.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: opsramp-agent

    Note: You must change the namespace to custom namespace (ex- monitoring) wherever namespace exists in the file and then save the file.

    Example: Follow the similar ways and change the namespace as given a example for ServiceAccount namespace below:

    • ServiceAccount
    • ClusterRoleBinding
    • DaemonSet
    • Deployment
    • ConfigMap in OpsRamp Agent YAML
  5. Run the below command to apply the configuration:

    kubectl apply -f agent.yaml

  6. Now the agent is installed in your cluster.

  7. To check the status of the agent installed in the namespace, run the command below.

    kubectl get pods -n monitoring

Step 4: Check the status of namespace in OpsRmap

  1. Go to OpsRamp portal, click on Infrastructure > Resources.
  2. In the lift side of the page, click on kubernetes to expand it.
  3. Next, expand the nodes and then click on container.
  4. Then, under Attributes, you can view the status of your newly created namespace.
    Azure Blob Storage Integration

OpsRamp Agent yaml

Default yaml we get from portalChanges that to be done to install in a different namespace
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: opsrampagent
  namespace: opsramp-agent
automountServiceAccountToken: true
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
     name: opsrampagent
     namespace: monitoring
    automountServiceAccountToken: true