Save costs by lifting and shifting your existing applications to containers and build microservices applications to deliver value to your users faster. Use end-to-end developer and CI/CD tools to develop, update and deploy your containerised applications.

Manage containers at scale with a fully managed Kubernetes container management and orchestration service that integrates with Azure Active Directory. Wherever you are in your app modernization journey, accelerate your containerized application development while meeting your security requirements.

External reference

Azure Container Services


To set up the Azure integration and discover the Azure service, do the following:

  1. Create an Azure Integration if not available in your installed integrations. For more information on how to install the Azure Integration, refer to Azure Resources.
  2. Create a discovery profile. For more information on discovery profiles, refer to Create Discovery Profile.
  3. Select Container Service in the Azure Integration Discovery Profile.
Azure Integration Discovery Profile

Azure Integration Discovery Profile

  1. Save the discovery profiles to make them available in the list of Discovery Profiles.
  2. Scan to discover the resources at any time independent of the predefined schedule.
  3. Once the scan is completed, you are able to view the Cognito resources under Infrastructure > Resources > Azure category.

Event support

OpsRamp supports Azure events for Container Service. You need to configure Azure Events in OpsRamp Azure Integration Discovery Profile as mentioned below:

  1. Select Container Service in the Azure Integration Discovery Profile.
  2. Under the Perform Actions section, select Stream Azure Events checkbox.
  3. In the Azure EventHub ConnectionString field, provide Azure connection string-primary key.
Azure Integration Discovery Profile

Azure Integration Discovery Profile

  1. Save the discovery profile.

Supported metrics

  • Not supported.