AWS Elemental MediaTailor is a personalized and monetized service that scales server-side ad insertion.

The service enables you to:

  • Serve targeted ads to viewers while maintaining broadcast quality in over-the-top (OTT) video applications.
  • Track ad views for accurate ad reporting.

AWS Elemental MediaTailor offers important advances over traditional ad-tracking systems:

  • Ads are better monetized, more consistent in video quality and resolution, and easier to manage across multi-platform environments.
  • Ad workflow is simplified by allowing all IP-connected devices to render ads in the same way as they render other content.
  • Advanced tracking of ad views, which further increases the monetization of content.

Use the AWS public cloud integration to discover and collect metrics against the AWS service.

External reference

AWS Elemental MediaTailor


To set up the AWS integration and discover the AWS service, go to AWS Integration Discovery Profile and select MediaTailor.

Event support

CloudTrail event support

  • Not Supported (create and delete events)

CloudWatch alarm support

  • Supported
  • Configurable in OpsRamp AWS Integration Discovery Profile.

Supported metrics

OpsRamp MetricMetric Display NameUnitAggregation Type

Count of ads included in ad decision server (ADS) responses for the specified time periodd.
Ad Decision Server AdsCountAverage

Total duration, in milliseconds, of all ads that MediaTailor received from the ADS for the specified time period.
Ad Decision Server DurationMillisecondsAverage

Number of non-HTTP 200 status code responses, empty responses, and timed-out responses that MediaTailor received from the ADS in the specified time period.
Ad Decision Server ErrorsCountAverage

Simple average of the rates at which the responses from the ADS filled the corresponding individual AD available for the specified time period.
Ad Decision Server Fill RateCountAverage

Number of timed-out requests to the ADS in the specified time period.
Ad Decision Server TimeoutsCountAverage

Number of times that the ADS pointed at an ad not yet transcoded by the internal transcoder service in the specified time period.
Ad Not ReadyCountAverage

Total duration, in milliseconds, of all ad avails that MediaTailor encountered in the specified time period.
Avail DurationMillisecondsAverage

Total duration, in milliseconds, of all ADS available that MediaTailor encountered in the specified time period.
Avail Filled DurationMillisecondsAverage

Simple average of the rates at which MediaTailor filled the individual ad avails for the specified time period.
Avail Fill RateCountAverage

Number of errors received while MediaTailor was generating manifests in the specified time period.
Get Manifest ErrorsCountAverage

Number of non-HTTP 200 status code responses and timed-out responses that MediaTailor received from the origin server in the specified time period.
Origin ErrorsCountAverage

Number of timed-out requests to the origin server in the specified time period.
Origin TimeoutsCountAverage