To discover your Alibaba Cloud resources, you need to create a discovery profile.

Create discovery profile

Discovery Profile defines the range of devices that you want to discover. You can create multiple discovery profiles, each for a different set of resources. You can save each profile and reuse it for future discoveries.

  1. Go to Setup > Integrations and Apps.
    A list of all the installed integrations is displayed.
  2. From the installed integrations, click the installed Alibaba Cloud integration.
    The Alibaba Integration page displays the Credentials and Discovery Profiles.
  3. In the Discovery Profiles section, click Add.
  4. On the Add Discovery Profile page, provide a suitable name in the Profile Name field.
  5. In the Filter Criteria Type section:
    • Select Smart Filters to select specific or all the resources.
    • Select Resources Filters to define the criteria and filter the resources. Add resources to the group using the following filter criteria options:
      1. Click Any or All to match any one or all of the defined conditions for filtering.
      2. Enter:
        • Resource Type: Lists all the supported resource types.
        • Attribute Name: Lists the attributes of the type of resource selected. Attributes vary according to the resource type chosen.
        • Logic condition: Refers to a logical match criterion to enhance search results. Options: Contains, Not Contains, Equals, Not Equals, Starts With, Ends With, and Regex.
        • Value: Refers to a value corresponding to the attribute name and logic condition.
      3. Click Add Criteria to include more filter criteria.
  6. From Perform Actions, select the actions to be performed on the resources.
    • Manage Device: Select this option such that all the discovered resources are in a managed state.
  7. Select the Discovery Schedule option to schedule a discovery and define the preferred Recurrence pattern.
  8. Click Save.

The discovery profile is displayed in the list in the Discovery Profiles section.

Discover Alibaba resources

To discover resources in your Alibaba Cloud environment, the following options are available:

  • Set a discovery schedule and define a preferred recurrence pattern. The system regularly scans at the defined schedule to discover any new resources added to your environment.
  • Click Scan Now to discover the resources any time irrespective of the schedule.

All the discovered resources are visible in the Alibaba folder on the Infrastructure page.

Monitor Alibaba resources

Monitoring provides 360-degree visibility of applications, servers, virtualization, containers, synthetics, storage, and network devices. A monitoring template defines all parameters used to monitor target resources.

To monitor Alibaba Cloud resources, you can:

  • Create and assign templates
    Alibaba resources can be managed more efficiently using templates. Apply the templates manually to initiate the monitoring of your Alibaba resources. See Assign Templates to assign templates to the resources in a group. Some predefined templates are available. See a complete recommended template list.
    If you do not want to use any recommended templates, create a template.

  • Assign device management policies Using device management policies, you can assign templates, availability rules, knowledge base articles and custom attributes. See Managing Device Management Policies to create and assign device management policies on your Alibaba resources.

  • Set alerts
    Alerts are pre-configured messages that are triggered when there is a change outside a predefined monitoring range of a service or a device. For details, see Managing Alerts.